Professional Associations

As a member of a professional association, a person becomes a member of a special community. Becoming a member of your professional association is the best way of connecting with others who share this same passion. It is not only about what you can get from your association but also what you can give back to the profession. Professional associations play an important role in society as in Canada, the model for professional regulation is self-regulation. This means that all important decisions concerning members of the profession or those who would become members are made by members of that profession (LPNABC, 2014).

Here are some examples of professional associations that relates to astronomy:

Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC)

Description: The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada (RASC) (formerly The Toronto Astronomical Club) was formed in 1868 by 8 non-professional astronomers who gathered to share their interest and passion for astronomy. 150 years later, the RASC continues to serve Canadians of all ages with that same passion with more than 5,000 members and 28 centres across the country (About the RASC | RASC., n.d.).

Canadian Astronomical Society

Description: The Canadian Astronomical Society was founded in 1971 and incorporated in 1983 as a society of professional astronomers. The society is devoted to the promotion and advancement of knowledge of the universe through research and education (CASCA., n.d.).


About the RASC | RASC. (n.d.). Royal Astronomical Society of Canada. Retrieved from

CASCA Logo. (n.d.). Canadian Astronomical Society, [PNG file]. Retrieved from

Mission Statement – CASCA. (n.d.). Canadian Astronomical Society. Retrieved from

RASC Logo. (n.d.). Royal Astronomical Society of Canada, [PNG file]. Retrieved from

LPNABC. (2014, June 14). Importance of the Professional Association. Retrieved from